Dear Miz Fitz,
I have been trying all month to come up with a good question, but it's really hard!
Dear Fail,
Miz Fitz feels your pain. But she has a suggestion: Simply phrase your lament as a question, and throw in a gratuitous holiday reference. Thusly:
Dear Miz Fitz,
I have been trying all month to come up with a good question, but it's really hard! What should I do?
Dear Kwanzaa,
Thank you for your very interesting question! Miz Fitz is both sympathetic and impressed by your compelling phrasing! You are now entered in the drawing. Ta-da!
There are only hours left to enter! Win a signed hardcover copy of What Boys Really Want! Send Miz Fitz a holiday-related question. The winner will be chosen at random, so your question doesn't have to be all that good (see above). Winner will be announced on January 1.
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